Where’s The Bread? Land of Snow Wimps

When you go into your local grocery store to pick up a prescription and a pack of hot dog buns (sigh, your kids have left and gone back to college and work, so you have an empty nester grocery basket again),  you were astonished to see that the bread shelves were bare; the only items left were several squashed packs and a plethora of English muffins.  The milk case doesn’t fare much better.  You pick up a lone carton of Organic Skim.  There is a winter storm warning for your neck of the woods, and sales of bread and milk always go way up.  You envision folks sitting around drinking milk and eating pieces of bread and trying to stay warm.  The south is not known for adjusting to such winter conditions with great calm.  We fall into a panic and go buy bread and milk.

Ditto firewood.  You witness a young couple with three children under the age of six.  They have a half cord of firewood stacked in the cart between tiny writhing bodies, and loaves of bread hanging over the edges.  When you go out in the parking lot, you see a young woman with Florida plates–bless her heart– loading her trunk with a cord o’ Duraflame.

Welcome to the south, land of snow wimps.  Although actually, you can look at it from a different perspective:   are we wimps, or are we boy and girl scouts extraordinaire with our solemn vows to be prepared at all times?

Although you grew up in the south, you remember when you later lived in the northeast and the midwest.  The power went off at the drop of a hat.  In the midwest, when the temperature finally climbed out of the subs and reached 32 F, you threw on a jacket and walked to work.  But now, your blood has thinned and you are a wimp.  Your friend’s husband is from upstate New York (think Buffalo).  “Southerners are always so surprised when it gets cold in the winter,” he observed.  “They take it so personally.”  You bet we do, sonny. It is a personal affront. How dare it get cold?  How dare it ice in our land?  And how dare they issue a winter storm warning on a Sunday, when in the Deep South, you aren’t allowed to buy alcohol to keep you warm by the Duraflame?  Hopefully most have their bourbon and brew socked away already.  Many in the north think we own basement stills anyway.

Good Lord–Jim Cantore the Weather Channel extremist is in your ‘hood–never a good sign.  Last time he visited you couldn’t get out of your neighborhood for three days (fall flood).  Better high-tail it back to your cabin and get fever.  Thank goodness your son brought in an armload of firewood and cleaned out the fireplace before he shoved off to college.  Time to shore up and get socked in.  You miss the old days when people in the south would drive with chains flopping on their tires.  Now we don’t dare leave the hearth.  Where you live it can get wicked icy.  So you and your husband will wait it out, nibbling English muffins and sipping… skim.  Scout’s honor.

About reelingintheyears.wordpress.com

A freelance writer who revels in the 1970's...and today. Thoughts on being a baby baby boomer and empty nester. Welcome to the Saturday evening porch.
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166 Responses to Where’s The Bread? Land of Snow Wimps

  1. Tori Nelson says:

    Haha. We got a few inches in West Tennessee last night, and people have LOST THEIR MINDS! Even though they salted the roads way in advance, the general public is driving 20 mph, and (you guessed it!) they all stocked up on sliced bread! I’m staying in the house today. Not so much because it’s snowy, but just to miss the crazy, snow-fearing masses!

  2. Smart move, Tori! I’m starting to get a wee bit stir crazy, but so thankful we have power! (I think it’s mainly men who get all macho and go out and try to drive and end up slipping and sliding.

  3. Mary Ingmire says:

    I think you captured the Southern ethos.

  4. Ashley Rosen says:

    Ha! There is nothing quite like the southern response to a potential snowstorm. My kids go to college in Ohio and they love to tell the people from the Great Lakes region about the time they got sent home from high school in second period because it was about to snow. The storm — which brought 1″ of accumulation — didn’t start until 7 p.m. and was melted by the next morning! I blogged about our hideous ice storm of two years ago … http://ashleyolsonrosen.wordpress.com/2010/01/28/survival-tips-for-ice-storms-dont-forget-the-liquor-store-run/
    …it sounds like we think alike!

  5. Brr, we’re experiencing something similar in the Great Plains as well. Hold tight and stay warm!

  6. Best of luck with the english muffins and skim milk. That’s pretty dire, but it’ll sustain you through Snow-ma-geddon 2011!


  7. Stila Webb says:

    I will never understand why it’s always milk and bread. Do you eat more sandwiches when it snows? I mean, if you loose power, you can’t open the fridge, so the milk goes unused. I don’t get it. I stock up on firewood for the wood-stove, which I still have to do, make sure the kerosene lamps have oil, put the shovels by the door and top off the salt buckets. Done. We have enough food in the pantry already to last a week already, the last thing I need to do is add more to it. ^_^

    • I know–I’ve never been able to wrap my head around the milk and bread phenomenon. I think canned soup and pantry items, too. Wow–you sound like a pro at this. You need to whisk down here and teach us tips! I wouldn’t recognize a kerosene lamp if I tripped over one!

  8. bigsheepcommunications says:

    You speak the truth. In Richmond VA, people have inexplicably ridiculous car crashes at the mere suggestion of snow and in Baton Rouge, LA, a dusting shuts down the interstate for hours! In WI, on the other hand, no amount of snow or ice phases anyone and people manage to drive around just fine. Stay warm and congrats on FP!

  9. auntbethany says:

    I’m from near Buffalo, and even though the lake effect storms have hardened me a bit to the snow and cold, I still have no taste for winter! As far as I’m concerned, it should be allowed to snow only during Christmastime, and stop promptly on January 1st. I think a petition is in order, don’t you?

    I wish I had a hearth to cling to. Instead, I have a DVD of a crackling fire, complete with sound effects. To each his own!

    Kudos on being FP!

  10. Up here in southeastern Minnesota, we are buried under a mountain of snow. It’s one of the snowiest winters we’ve had in years. Eight inches of snow. Ten inches. Eighteen. Two. Three. Six. So many snowfalls already that they’ve all blended together into one long winter. Of course, we consider ourselves hardy Minnesotans. But even we are getting tired of the snow and we still have three to four more months of winter ahead of us.

    Click on to my Minnesota Prairie Roots blog. Type “snow” in the search engine and you can read and see photos of our snow season here in Minnesota.

    Enjoy your snow down south if you can.

  11. bmj2k says:

    We had a blizzard in NYC two weeks ago. Granted, the snow cleanup was horrible, but no one was trapped in their houses and the furthest trek to a store for bread or water was a block or two, yet people still panicked and bought candles (!) batteries, and stocked up on bottled water and non-perishable food. WTF? This is a major city. Supermarkets were jammed, stores were picked bare, and for what????

  12. Living along the coast of NC. Grocery stores look the same, here.
    Well written!

  13. ryoko861 says:

    Thus the reason I’m on my way to do my Wednesday weekly shopping on Tuesday, today. It’s going to snow tonight, I’m not going out in it tomorrow.

    I’m not afraid to drive in it or anything…it’s the other yahoo that might run into me.

    Great post! Made me laugh!!

  14. Sunflowerdiva says:

    Haha, great post! I think there are snow wimps everywhere, actually. When we get a blizzard warning, my family always runs out to the store and stocks up on groceries to last us a while, just in case we can’t get out. (Although we mainly do this rushed shopping just so we don’t HAVE to go out in the snow.) LOL. Congrats on getting Freshly Pressed!

    • Thanks so much! Last Thursday, I unwittingly popped by a gourmet shop to pick up a chicken salad sandwich (oblivious to the coming winter storm) and the owner had sold out of EVERYTHING–even her prepared chicken and salmon. The other snow wimps cleaned her out! I need to move faster next time.

  15. Maggie says:

    I live in NC (originally from NY) and yes, this is all so true of the South. Nice post! 🙂

  16. I was born and raised in New York City. I have lived in Texas since 1963 after serving four years of active duty in the Air Force. I enjoyed your style of writing, but it is a little unfair to the attitude of folks in this part of the country. The major difference is equipment. Since snow and like are rare occassions in the South, larger cities budgets are not set up for millions of dollars of equipment waiting for a snowfall. Overall when one looks at the individuals who claimed this country from the wilderness, the families of those individuals are here today in the South. They are a hardy, thoughtful and loving group of people. Many in rual areas still leave the doors to their homes unlocked. Such a thing would never happen in a Northern community.

    • carlahoag says:

      Wow. What a nice tribute to us southerners. Even though I thought the post about snow wimps was funny, and I do recognize that some people tend to panic at the hysteria inducing weather/news predictions/reports, I appreciated your mention of the rugged pioneers who settled this part of the country.

      Let’s do this again when it hits 107 degrees up north.

    • Exactly. There was a woman on the local news who had had just moved here from the north, and was amazed at the lack of ‘clean-up ‘ thus far; the south can’t support such snow equipment to only bring it out once a decade, if that!

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  18. 4myskin says:

    Good luck! 🙂 I’m a bit of a snow whimp myself. Not that I freak out and buy bread, but I just don’t want it around. I think snow should learn to fall only where there are no roads. That way we get the pretty sight and get to play in it without the annoyance of driving in it! 😀

  19. English muffins are tasty, it’s not all bad.

  20. reneedavies says:

    But why bread? Why not cans of pork and beans or bags of dry northern beans? I mean, if you’re getting ready to be starved out, why not something more substantial and longlasting?

    Anyway, I’m sequestered at home today and working from my diningroom. Alabama got its share of white stuff too.

  21. jbashir says:

    I’m a born and raised southerner who spent the last decade in the great snowy north. Southerners just don’t know how to handle snow. I know I didn’t when I first moved out. They don’t know anything about shoveling snow, scraping your car, driving in snow, etc. And since it’s so rare it really does freak them out a little.

    Funny thing is, in my experience, they are the opposite about thunderstorms and other severe weather. A huge downpour, maybe some flooding and tornado warnings and people just go about their day.

    Even when I lived there I never got the milk&bread thing. Perhaps there’s so old wives tale about surviving a blizzard on milk sandwiches. Canned goods would be better.

  22. humanitarikim says:

    I live in Texas. It was 9 degrees this morning. Those are two sentences that should never be written together. I miss the sun and heat!

  23. This post is 100% fact. I grew up in Virginia and now live in Tennessee. My town got less than an inch and they closed the schools. Even VA wasn’t THAT bad. Sheesh! lol. And I’ve always wondered why we buy bread and milk. Why are those the only acceptable foods for being snowed? If your power goes out, your milk might go bad anyway. You did a great job capturing our Southern mindset =) Congrats on being Freshly Pressed!

  24. mbaldelli says:

    Strange… When I was living in Cobb County GA the end of Winter 1993 when that blizzard struck; my friends from the North and I headed over to the local supermarket (Now Alicia’s on South Cobb in Smyrna), to find that the milk and bread aisles to be pristine and well stocked, while the rental movies and junk food aisles looked like angry mobs had torn the place apart. I take it that the Southerners have acquired the sense of we Yankees in stampeding the milk and bread aisles since then?

    Though it’s not surprising really. Seems only the natives remember that once every decade or two there’s a blizzard that strikes. It’s the transplants from the north that think they’re far enough south to escape it.

    • Good point about the transplants. Ah, yes, I remember the Blizzard of ’93!
      My grocery store was sacked. Then I drove down the hill to the next county two miles away and their bread shelves were stuffed to the brim. I came back and told my husband we must live in a panicky neighborhood which suits me just fine.

  25. livvy30 says:

    Ireland closed in December because of the snow! OK, for half the country it was bad, but in the south we only had about 5″, but it was still enough to freeze our pipes. I refused to drive because my car wasn’t happy with the temperature! I visited Boston over the new year, landing in a blizzard and now I will never complain about snow again. I can’t understand the bread and milk stock up either-I would buy long life foods. Good Luck!

    • Thank you, Livvy! Wow–frozen pipes, that’s not good. I’m glad you didn’t drive! When we lived in Iowa we heard stories of cars driving along fine then suddenly just conking out because it was so cold, and leaving people stranded. Honey, I couldn’t last an hour in Boston now my blood has thinned.

  26. Tori says:

    YAY! A much deserved Freshly Pressed!

  27. ehliyet says:

    Love olde yule logon television and Youtube too

  28. jule1 says:

    My dad and mother are from the Midwest and we moved to Texas when I was 10. I snowed maybe 1-2″ within the first few years we were there and my dad went out and got in the car to drive to work, whereupon he came to an overpass where everyone was stuck! He got out of his car and drove each car over the overpass until he got to his car, which he then drove to work. No one could figure out how to drive on snow, and I guess there was a stop, so people were literally spinning their wheels!

  29. bunluvson says:

    I lived in the South also and remember when there would be a snow/ice storm. The whole city would come to a standstill, people would panic; yes, the grocery stores would be mobbed. Now I live in the North where snow and ice are the norm and getting snowed in is like heaven to me.

  30. midnitechef says:

    I’ve experienced the same phenomenon. I grew up in Canada, where it’s winter nearly all year long, it snowed in July in the middle of “summer”. People there have snow amnesia! The first time it snows, after maybe 3 months without an ounce of it, people don’t know how to drive, walk, or bike. It takes a few days to get back into the groove again. We canned our food because we KNOW winter is coming. Most houses are equipped with natural gas heating systems and stoves, so you might be cooking in the dark but you’re still cooking 🙂

    Now that I live in the South, winter has a new meaning. A meaning I like because there is slim to no chance of snow! I guess Mother Nature wanted to spread the wealth of her icy flakes this year.

    Stay warm bloggers, everywhere!

  31. jesswords10 says:

    I happen to like english muffins and skim. I don’t like snow, but I can’t get away from it. I live in Wisconsin, and we’ve had snowstorm after snowstorm. It took me an hour to shovel my car out the last blizzard we had! Two more inches last night. I stock up on gloves and car brushes/scrapers. lol!

  32. Mandy says:

    I live in Nashville. . .where we overreact to any chance of snow. On Sunday night, you would have been lucky to find bread, milk, or toilet paper on the shelves. But why bread and milk? Is that all people think they’re going to sit around eating if they’re stuck inside?

    I love the South and our crazy snow reactions. Gives me something to laugh about 🙂

  33. CrystalSpins says:

    I’m from South Dakota and I went to college in Oklahoma. Every year it snowed at least once and it would be about an inch or two. Not enough to keep the average SoDak indoors — especially since it was usually only 32 degrees. But down in OK it shut things down for 3 days! We would have to wait until Tulsa was done plowing the roads and sent a plow to Bartlesville before it was really safe* to go on the roads. I found it unbelievable that the town didn’t just buy it’s own plow. I mean it snowed EVERY YEAR — why not be prepared for the snow? It would have only taken one day to plow/sand/salt the entire town of Bartlesville and all the surrounding little towns.


    * The roads would have been safe if people had used any kind of common sense while driving but everyone panicked and wound up in ditches any time there was a light dusting of the white stuff.

    • Exactly–I wonder, too. We can’t afford to maintain such equipment down in these parts where it’s rarely used. Plus, snow plows would rust and be put ‘out to pasture,’ southern style–literally stuck out in a vacant lot or yard somewhere and put on display. But a place where it snows so much annually doesn’t make sense.

  34. Living just north of Houston, TX we hardly never get to see snow but if a few snow flakes are coming down so people really seem not to know how to handle it.
    Although the image in your post reminds me more of the days before Ike hit our area.
    The Walmart shelves looked like they were going to close the store.

  35. snarkyhughes says:

    I’m a new transplant to Charlotte and we got about 5″ and the whole town is shut down. I did some food shopping Sunday morning and the store was packed- the milk and bread was nearly gone. I don’t get it. Is everyone making french toast?

  36. Pingback: 闲来话话 » Where’s the Bread? Land of Snow Wimps

  37. Where I come from, when the White Death approacheth, a friend of mine says the Velveeta cheese and Marlboros are the first to go. I come from a really rural, really backwater white trash redneck area, though.

  38. lilzbear says:

    Bananas. In addition to milk and bread, bananas shelves are always empty when a snow storm is on the horizon. Beats me why that is the case

  39. Emjayandthem says:

    As a Canuck now living in MI, I’ve seen my share of snow. But I’ve never seen such commotion until we lived in Houston and once rec’d … drumroll .. .1/2 of one inch of snow. Schools closed. Day care = closed. Employers issued travel alert memos! On the flip side, the unexpected opportunity to cozy up and stay in where it’s warm is a delight that must be experienced. Cheers & enjoy those english muffins 🙂

    • I bet you have seen more than your fair share! It must be SO different to grow up in a place where it’s expected. Never even thought about it when I left the south and moved north–it was expected. But…now am astonished…I guess I have returned to my southern way of view!

      Thanks for reading!

  40. Natalie Cone says:

    I’m from Birmingham, AL — so I assume you are somewhat near me, as we had a winter storm Sunday night. I love this post! I’m new to your site and am already a fan. I’m with Stila–why is it always bread and milk that gets wiped out? And it was basically only ONE DAY that we were confined to our houses because of ice on the streets and interstates. That doesn’t constitute stock-piling bread and milk. Haha but I am a typical southerner when it comes to driving on ice. My husband is the brave one in his 4×4 truck. I was too nervous to take my nervous self out on the slushy roads in my tiny car. I’m clumsy in EVERY aspect of my life, including driving.
    BTW–impressive info about your writing. I’m a hobby writer, and would love to read more of your material.
    Take Care!

  41. Reggie says:

    Here’s a cute story about things to do when you are snowed in:

  42. It’s not so different in the North. Sometimes we get 2 feet sometimes we get 4 inches but whenever the forecast calls for anything called a “snow storm” all the grocery stores become bad houses. Just in case 4 inches suddenly turns into 4 feet and all the snow plows break down.

    well tonight it’s supposed to hit us big and my mom just asked me to get her some milk….. and so the search starts.

  43. aschmid3 says:

    Where I live (Delaware) isn’t considered the South, but people freak out just as bad here. Hand to God, before one forecasted storm last year, I went to Walmart for my regular weekly grocery trip, and the aisle with economy-sized jars of mayonnaise, pickles, etc. was BARE. Clearly some people were expecting to be snowed in a very, very long time!

  44. promajaneck says:

    I vote wimps! It’s been snowing here in Illinois for the last nine hours and I’m about to leave for work! I was in Birmingham once when it snowed a half inch and it was a similar scene, panic as if the nuclear holocaust was imminant. Nice post!

  45. Northern Virginia is hilarious as well. The forecast is, at this moment, for 1-3 inches, and the cancellations are pouring in. I’m sure the toilet paper and milk are gone from the grocery shelves. I guess if you drink enough milk…

  46. You are right on with this one. I work retail, and we can’t even keep bread on the shelf for a full day if there is going to be snow anytime in the near future…same goes for milk. But the FOOD aisle on the other hand, no one wants to shop that. There must be something about snow that makes people want bread and milk for dinner? Not me! Shouldn’t snow make us want hot food?

    • Love it–you are so right. It seemed as if we’d warm to hot foods! I did stop in the hot counter at the diner down the street before it hit, and folks were stockin’ up on the prepared comfort foods! Including moi. Except they are dwindling…time for canned cuisine.

  47. rtcrita says:

    As I read this, it is 16 degrees right now, expected low of -2 tonight, and about 2 or 3 inches of snow on the ground. Schools were closed today and may be again tomorrow, as the conditions aren’t going to be much different than now. They were predicting this scene since last Friday. I made it to the grocery store on Saturday, mid-day, only to discover the same kind of bare shelves you speak of here. I had to end up going to another grocery store to find the rest of my groceries. Apparently, I should have gone to your grocery store because I couldn’t find any English Muffins! There was only lonely bag of squashed, “good-for-you whole grainy” kind that did not even look remotely appetizing to me, so I left with none to have with my hot chocolate in the early morning cold. However, we’ll make due. Because we’re smack dab in the middle of the country, where this kind of crap happens all the time!

    • Same! Nothing much has changed in my ‘hood. Some drippin’, not much thawin.’ How many more days will it last? What’s the longest you’ve been snowbound?

      • rtcrita says:

        I would say 3 or 4 days maybe. That was when I was about 12 or 13. The snow was up to our porch and covered the stairs completely. My dad finally had to suit up in his long underwear, overalls, and boots and trek to the grocery store about 2 1/2 blocks away because we ran out of milk. (Hey, there were 10 of us kids. A couple of gallons wasn’t going to last forever!)

  48. rtcrita says:

    P.S. I am subscribing to your blog because I am a Steely Dan fan, too! Therefore, you must be special. 🙂

  49. makingup3000 says:

    I am a snow wimp but love it for photography. On snowy days love hot grilled cheese sandwiches and soup. Not so much milk.

  50. What a fab and funny post! You are not alone as snow wimps down there in the South… I am in London (UK) and not much better here- 2 hours of steady snowfall (before Christmas) and the busiest international airports shuts down for days, there is no postal delivery or collection… and yep, grocery store shelves are pretty bare… I thought this was 2011 – not 1911…lol…

  51. Babygirl says:

    You want to know what’s sad? Right before the blizzard in NYC last month, I went to look for bread and that’s how the aisle looked lol. Funny to relive that through your post. Great post by the way

  52. Pingback: The Weather: We’re Getting Snow. « Alternative Health Answers

  53. harpersfarm says:

    I live in a terribly cold area and am still a wimp! I love over-dosing on hot chocolate whenever I get the chance.

  54. mamanne says:

    I spent just over one year living in Virginia – over last winter. The year of 4 feet of snow in one storm. We’re from Idaho, so snow is no big deal to us (altho, we get less these days than we used to: not sure why.) Anyhow, the folks of Virginia were hilarious! They referred to it as “Snowmaggedon”, they were freaking out, and yeah, there was no bread or milk to be found! I also have no clue as to what’s up with that! Funny stuff.

  55. You got freshly pressed!!! Congrats! It is an awesomely superb post, as usual! Hope you’re staying warm and dry and um…don’t run out of tp!:-D

  56. toemailer says:

    I live in Montreal, a place that is usually pretty cold and gets plenty of snow every winter. But the past month our average daily temperature has been in the high teens and we haven’t had what you call very much snow, though we do have some. For us it’s what you might call a mild winter so far. It’s been odd to see a lot of places that don’t normally get much snow, if at all, get walloped. Winter has a way of spawning some tall tales that will be much fun around a campfire later in the year and it looks like this year the South will be spawning many tales indeed.

  57. villagethinking says:

    It isn’t just the South. I lived in Providence, Rhode Island. If snow was rumored, schools would be closed and even the English Muffins would be gone. Quincy, Mass wasn’t quite as bad, but that’s when I learned about Parmalat milk. It was all that was left on the shelves after the mad rush of panicked people.

  58. Katie says:

    North Carolina got quite a bit of snow and unbeknownst to me (a Rhode Island native) the entire state shut down. It’s amazing what a few inches will do!

  59. vintagejenta says:

    Haha! As a native North Dakotan now living in upstate NY, I have to say that we are guilty of buying wood when the snows threaten. But only because our furnace is unreliable.

    As for milk and bread? Ridiculous – if your kitchen is so understocked that you can’t last a day or two without subsisting solely off of milk and bread? Sad.

    When we get snowed in I BAKE bread. Of course, you generally have to have enough milk to do that… Lol…

  60. Chris van Hasselt says:

    I live in Carrboro NC, and every time we have a snow storm, or, really, more like a light dusting of white stuff that might barely cover the grass, my wife and I watch TV in amazement wondering “Who really eats that much bread and milk?” I think the meteorologists and the grocery store owners have a kickback scheme going.

  61. born and raised yankee but have lived in the south for 14 years. it never ceases to amaze me the lines for milk and bread!!!! and they close school down for days and days!!! haha…. me i just keep trucking along. i wonder what they do with all that milk and bread???

    • Seriously! I have not the foggiest idea!

      • 349cuntsville says:

        I loved the lack of school when I was a kid. It seemed like we would start in August, take a month off in January (aside from fall and winter breaks) for about six inches of snow, a couple weeks in February for a little less, another break or so, and come April, we started missing for floods. I NEVER went to school, and still years later, here I am-a yankee!
        PS: You let the bread harden and save it for the floods, it makes a good boat if you lose the first one or can’t can’t afford, or Noah steals it and fills the thing with sheep (It’s not like you have an ark).

  62. 349cuntsville says:

    I feel the exact opposite of your pain. I am from south-eastern Kentucky (think near Tennessee), and I know floods, but five years into Rochester, New York, I am still wearing snow pants in November. There are two seasons here: construction and winter, and I am still personally offended by snow. I am continually working on my Spanish so that when my son goes to college I can head for a warmer climate. Unfortunately, he is three. Let me know when your snow thaws. Mine won’t for seventeen more years.

  63. Krys says:

    I just moved from central North Carolina to Colorado. While my friends are celebrating being out of school for 2″ of snow, I’m fording through 15″ praying that my car doesn’t decide to 360 off the side of a mountain. Right before my first snow, I caught myself freaking out and buying 3 loaves of bread and milk. I hate milk.

  64. Having moved to the south from Long Island NY in 1988 I loved this post! With each word my head bobbed more and more with agreement.
    But forget the milk and bread….do I have enough chocolate? THAT’s the question!

  65. Jean says:

    Should I even mention Canada here? No, we’re not all Arctic! Vancouver allows one to cycle year round.

    Calgary is -25degrees C or -13 degrees F right now. Snow. Yes, it’s a shock after VAncovuer. But I lived in Ontario for over 40 years.

  66. Pingback: Embitel « krishnareddychapala

  67. Martianqueen says:

    Oh how I loved snow days–building messy snowmen, eating snow cream, playing cards. I grew up in northwest Alabama, and I’ll never forget the bread-and-milk rush when snow/ice was predicted. People should bake their bread–no milk required, just water, flour, salt, and yeast for a nice French boule.

  68. rosierluna says:

    I’ve never been grocery shopping when snow has been announced, but I will have to definitely check it out.

    I live in Fort Campbell and travel to Nashville for school, and it is amazing how many people are at the tip of a heart attack when it snows. Schools closing/delays people who suddenly forget to drive, its very much amusing. Not so much for my poor boyfriend who used to live in Chicago and gets terribly annoyed at people.

    Of course I just hate snow, winter, and cold weather in general because I was born and raised in Puerto Rico

  69. This site has greatly helped me. I want to comment that this blog post is really nice. A lot of useful information here. I have really enjoyed reading your blog posts. Great work!

  70. Tee says:

    I am a Southern girl through and through. But times, they are a changing. My greatest worry with all our Middle Tennessee snow?

    Can I still make it to Starbucks.

    🙂 I’l a freelance writer too. I enjoyed your blog.

  71. newsever says:

    thank you so so much

  72. Still laughing as I am typing. As a native Southerner, now expat in the the French Alps, I get a big hoot out of the snow panic that I (admittedly) used to have which is now replaced with snow shoes!

    Congrats on being Freshly Pressed and for making my morning brighter,

  73. Changeling says:

    People are also that way with hurricanes, and the worst part of that is they are a well known and generally accepted part of southern life.

  74. J says:

    I agree i live in Detroit but went to school in MS. Believe me when it snows southerners FREAK OUT! In Michigan when they say its gonna be a blizzard we are like ehh whatever it willbe gone in two days lol. Go big or go home: Adding color to black and whites. Black and white blah or black and white BAM. How to turn contrasting colors into an unforgettable outfit. http://ow.ly/3CrSc

  75. I can’t call you a wimp considering I’ve lived in southern Ontario’s snowbelt and/or lake effect snow regions for much of my life. That area runs the gauntlet of cold, snowy winters to hot, sweltering summers. Where I lived, I was fortunate enough to never have to worry about flooding (just a leaky basement). I have just recently moved to Iqaluit, Nunavut in Canada’s arctic, and let’s just say, things have been rather balmy up here compared to what I expected. The past few days though, things have started to feel more north-like…-20 Celcius with -39 windchill. Ahhh…that’s more like it!

  76. Coco Rivers says:

    Congrats on getting Freshly Pressed! Even the Northerners are becoming snow wimps at the rate we are getting pummelled. Let’s see, we’ve already had over 50″ of snow since 12/21 and it’s just the beginning! I noticed the same manic phenomena in stores and wrote about it in my blog calling it “Surburban Snow Madness” lol. Hope you are firmly entrenched, warm and toasty….


  77. Val Erde says:

    Good heavens, what a lot of comments! I shall come back another day and read some more of them!

    As for the snow wimps, it’s not just in the the American South, it’s also in the UK, the land of cold and wet. People here can’t adjust to snow, or very low temperatures either but it’s not because we’re used to heat, just that we’re wimps!

  78. lisasub says:

    Great post! I learned a lot about American southerners! Up here in Canada a blistering minus 17-degrees (CELSIUS) is the norm. We just learn to adapt, keep our chins up and head out despite the icy snowy cold..

  79. ~the dish~ says:

    This is hilarious! My parents moved from Rochester, NY to South Carolina. My mother actuallly said to me the other day, “OMG there’s snow on the ground for THREE DAYS!!” and she was genuinely astonished. She forgot the days of shoveling our driveway with snow up to your thighs. I guess the nice weather is so easy to get accustomed to. Great post!

  80. Thank you–so true! That is quite a leap from Rochester, NY to SC! Years ago I moved from snowy Iowa to Florida, and I feel their pain!

  81. HOW did I miss this? I was out shopping for bread and milk, of course! CONGRATULATIONS, Reeling!!!

  82. Too funny! I live in Ohio and I always laugh when our local grocery store looks more like our neighborhood ran out to prepare for the end of the world vs. a possibility of more than three inches of snow!!

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